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Queen of Dionysos 展
2022. 9. 23 (THU) - 10. 2 (MON)
DRAG ARTIST | 나나영롱킴 Nanayoungrong Kim
‘메이필드호텔 서울’은 아트 마케팅•컨시어지 전문기업 ‘더 트리니티’와 함께 <디오니소스 와인페어> 10주년을 맞이하여 9월 23일부터 10월 2일까지 호텔 로비에서 <퀸 오브 디오니소스>展을 개최합니다. ‘메이필드호텔 서울’의 넓은 잔디밭에서 라이브 음악과 함께 펼쳐지는 <디오니소스 와인페어>는 서울의 3대 와인 축제로 꼽히며 와인 매니아들에게는 놓칠 수 없는 행사입니다. 2013년부터 시작해 올해 10주년을 맞아 단순한 와인축제를 넘어 문화와 예술이 함께하는 교류의 장으로 승화•발전시키는 프로젝트를 시작합니다. 이를 위해 올 가을 ‘메이필드호텔 서울’은 <퀸 오브 디오니소스 : 가면무도회>를 준비했습니다. 18세기 유럽 귀족들의 사교문화를 이끌던 가면무도회는 그리스 신화와 만나 와인과 예술, 낭만과 기쁨이 넘치는 공간을 만들어냅니다. 그리고 그 중심에 포도주의 신 디오니소스의 여왕, 나나영롱킴이 있습니다. 드랙 아티스트 나나영롱킴은 <퀸 오브 디오니소스: 가면무도회>의 연계 아트프로그램으로 열리는 <퀸 오브 디오니소스> 전시를 통해 <더 스포트라이트(The Spotlight)> 연작과 <옐로우 맘바(Yellow Mamba)> 연작을 선보입니다. 그 동안 나나영롱킴은 상식을 깨는 화려한 메이크업, 경계를 허무는 과감한 패션으로 대중의 눈을 사로잡으며 낯설었던 드랙을 본격적인 문화의 장으로 이끌어 왔습니다. 그리고 올 여름 첫 개인전을 열고 드랙을 새로운 예술의 장르로 발전시키는 작업에 본격적으로 나서기 시작했습니다. 이번 <퀸 오브 디오니소스> 전시는 그가 열어가는 드랙 아트의 세계를 직접 확인할 수 있는 자리입니다. 이번 전시에서 그는 콘셉트 아이디어부터 촬영 구성, 스타일링 및 소품 제작, 모델까지 모두 자신이 디렉팅한 사진작품을 선보입니다. 현재의 드랙은 남성이 여성처럼 꾸미거나 여성이 남성처럼 꾸민다는 과거의 전형에서 벗어나 성별과 무관하게 한 개인이 평소 자기가 추구하던 모습을 표현하기 위해 과감하게 도전하는 예술로 진화하는 중입니다. 극명하게 대비되는 두 콘셉트의 연작은 우리나라의 전래동화를 소재로 제작됐던 만화영화 <은비까비> 스토리에서 영감을 얻은 것으로, 풍성한 헤어 스타일링에 정석대로 일을 처리하는 은비가 과거의 드랙을 보여준다면, 얼굴에 동그란 복면을 쓰고 감정이 이끄는 대로 행동하고 일을 처리하는 까비는 현재의 드랙이 진화해가는 방향을 선명하게 보여줍니다. 이처럼 새로운 예술로 진화 중인 드랙은 <디오니소스 와인페어>의 바탕에 깔린 디오니소스 신화와 맞닿아 있습니다. 포도주와 음악, 황홀한 춤으로 자신의 신도들을 사회적 억압으로부터 해방시켰다고 전해지는 디오니소스는 ‘그리스 신들 중 가장 아름다운 청년신’ 또는 ‘예쁜 처녀보다 더 아름다운 청년’ 등으로 묘사되곤 했습니다. 디오니소스 신화는 와인과 축제, 미(美)의 추구란 불가분의 관계로 이미 인류 문명 깊숙이 뿌리를 내렸다는 방증인 것입니다. 또한 오랜 세월 많은 시련을 이겨내고 향과 맛이 숙성되는 와인과 창작의 값진 고통을 이겨내고 위대하고 순수한 상상의 힘으로 모두를 하나로 만들어내는 예술의 힘은 닮은 점이 많습니다. 오랜 시간 동안 자신만의 길을 묵묵히 걸어 마침내 ‘드랙퀸’으로 자리 잡은 나나영롱킴의 발자취는 호텔과 와인, 그리고 문화예술이 결합되어 고유한 톤 앤 무드를 가진 <디오니소스 와인페어>의 예술적 지향점과 일치합니다. 올 가을 초입 디오니소스를 만난 여왕, 드랙 아티스트 나나영롱킴과의 황홀한 아트 콜라보레이션을 ‘메이필드호텔 서울’에서 만나보세요. (와인 페어 양일 10월 1일, 2일 야외 벨타워 가든에서는 약 2시간 동안 아트 퍼포먼스를 통해 여러분과 소통할 예정입니다)
Mayfield Hotel Seoul is pleased to open the art exhibition “Queen of Dionysos” in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Dionysos Wine Festival with The Trinity, which specializes in art marketing and concierge service. The exhibition will be held at the hotel’s lobby from September 23 until October 2. As an outdoor event held with live music on the grass lawn, Mayfield Hotel’s “Dionysos Wine Festival” is better known as one of the city’s best three wine festivals most favored by wine lovers. The wine festival has become the place of culture and arts since its launching in 2013. Mayfield Hotel Seoul is preparing a special themed festival, “Queen of Dionysos – The Masquerade,” to celebrate the festival’s tenth anniversary. Led by noble patrons, a masquerade was a place of joie de vivre in eighteenth-century Europe. Inspired by Greek mythology, European nobilities drank wine and enjoyed art, fantasy, and romance. Dionysos is known in the Greco-Roman religion as a god of wine and ecstasy.
At the Mayfield Hotel’s festival, well-known drag queen artist Nana Youngrong Kim will be the Queen of Dionysos to present her works “The Spotlight” series and “Yellow Mamba” series. Over the years, Nana Youngrong Kim has fascinated the Korean public with her dramatic makeup and daring fashion, transforming the marginal subculture into a mainstream sensation in the pop culture scene. Since her first solo exhibition in the summer, Kim has worked hard to develop the drag queen culture into a new art genre. Viewers at the show “Queen of Dionysos” will be able to explore the artistic world of the drag queen through her photography, wherein the drag queen artist took part in every step from conception to photography composition, styling, and prop production to modeling. For the moment, the art that Kim wants to develop is to break away from the archetype of a man dressing up as a woman or a woman dressing up as a man and to express the image of a persona that an individual wants to pursue liberally. The two starkly contrasting concepts shown in the series were inspired by the Korean cartoon “Eunbi & Kabi’s Once Upon a Time” created based on a Korean fairytale. If the big-haired, strait-laced Eunbi represented a drag queen of the past, the masked, freewheeling Kabi symbolized a drag queen of the present.
The presently evolving drag art is closely related to the mythology of Dionysos, the main inspiration for the Dionysos Wine Festival. Dionysos was known to be the great liberator through wine, freeing men of their inhibitions and their very selves. The god Dionysos was described as a youthful, beautiful, and effeminate man with long hair, at times prettier than a girl. His existence in pursuit of fruitfulness, ecstasy, festivity, and beauty was inseparable from human civilization and history. Just as the wine must endure a long time to obtain mature taste and flavor, art, too, withstands the pain of precious creativity and the purity of imagination to inspire all viewers. Long before the public discovered drag queen Nana Youngrong Kim, she had walked her lone path toward her personal success. Her artistic world, the beautiful hotel, and the savory wines at the Dionysos Wine Festival—best known for its unique tone and mood combining culture and art—all coincide with what the festival has long pursued. If you love all of the above, find your joy and happiness at the Dionysos Wine Festival at Mayfield Hotel Seoul, featuring an artistic collaboration with drag artist Nana Youngrong Kim who found her own god Dionysos. The Dionysos Wine Festival including a two-hour art performance takes place outdoors in Bell Tower Garden on October 1 and 2, 2022.
Mayfield Hotel Seoul is pleased to open the art exhibition “Queen of Dionysos” in celebration of the tenth anniversary of the Dionysos Wine Festival with The Trinity, which specializes in art marketing and concierge service. The exhibition will be held at the hotel’s lobby from September 23 until October 2. As an outdoor event held with live music on the grass lawn, Mayfield Hotel’s “Dionysos Wine Festival” is better known as one of the city’s best three wine festivals most favored by wine lovers. The wine festival has become the place of culture and arts since its launching in 2013. Mayfield Hotel Seoul is preparing a special themed festival, “Queen of Dionysos – The Masquerade,” to celebrate the festival’s tenth anniversary. Led by noble patrons, a masquerade was a place of joie de vivre in eighteenth-century Europe. Inspired by Greek mythology, European nobilities drank wine and enjoyed art, fantasy, and romance. Dionysos is known in the Greco-Roman religion as a god of wine and ecstasy.
At the Mayfield Hotel’s festival, well-known drag queen artist Nana Youngrong Kim will be the Queen of Dionysos to present her works “The Spotlight” series and “Yellow Mamba” series. Over the years, Nana Youngrong Kim has fascinated the Korean public with her dramatic makeup and daring fashion, transforming the marginal subculture into a mainstream sensation in the pop culture scene. Since her first solo exhibition in the summer, Kim has worked hard to develop the drag queen culture into a new art genre. Viewers at the show “Queen of Dionysos” will be able to explore the artistic world of the drag queen through her photography, wherein the drag queen artist took part in every step from conception to photography composition, styling, and prop production to modeling. For the moment, the art that Kim wants to develop is to break away from the archetype of a man dressing up as a woman or a woman dressing up as a man and to express the image of a persona that an individual wants to pursue liberally. The two starkly contrasting concepts shown in the series were inspired by the Korean cartoon “Eunbi & Kabi’s Once Upon a Time” created based on a Korean fairytale. If the big-haired, strait-laced Eunbi represented a drag queen of the past, the masked, freewheeling Kabi symbolized a drag queen of the present.
The presently evolving drag art is closely related to the mythology of Dionysos, the main inspiration for the Dionysos Wine Festival. Dionysos was known to be the great liberator through wine, freeing men of their inhibitions and their very selves. The god Dionysos was described as a youthful, beautiful, and effeminate man with long hair, at times prettier than a girl. His existence in pursuit of fruitfulness, ecstasy, festivity, and beauty was inseparable from human civilization and history. Just as the wine must endure a long time to obtain mature taste and flavor, art, too, withstands the pain of precious creativity and the purity of imagination to inspire all viewers. Long before the public discovered drag queen Nana Youngrong Kim, she had walked her lone path toward her personal success. Her artistic world, the beautiful hotel, and the savory wines at the Dionysos Wine Festival—best known for its unique tone and mood combining culture and art—all coincide with what the festival has long pursued. If you love all of the above, find your joy and happiness at the Dionysos Wine Festival at Mayfield Hotel Seoul, featuring an artistic collaboration with drag artist Nana Youngrong Kim who found her own god Dionysos. The Dionysos Wine Festival including a two-hour art performance takes place outdoors in Bell Tower Garden on October 1 and 2, 2022.